Warren Hoshizaki is recently retired as the Director of Education at the District School Board of Niagara. He has been the Director for DSBN for the past for the past 18 years. Prior to Niagara, he was Director of Education at Rainy River DSB. He is qualified as a Supervisory Officer - both Academic and Business. Warren has been in education in Sioux Lookout, Dryden and Ignace, and a Superintendent in the Bluewater District School Board .
The Public Council of Ontario Directors of Education (PCODE) represents the chief executive officers of the 32 public district school boards in Ontario. PCODE members provide the leadership and management required to ensure that our boards operate as high-quality organizations while fulfilling their mission to improve student achievement and well-being. PCODE members serve over 1.2 million Ontario students and manage operating budgets more than $12 Billion annually.
PCODE and OPSOA have collaborated to create a combined Strategic Plan and will operate in a congruent fashion to serve senior educational leaders across Ontario. PCODE is also a partner with the Council of Ontario Directors of Education (CODE), the Professional Association representing all Chief Executive Officers of the seventy-two District School Boards in Ontario.
Warren is proud to assist with this most important provincial effort on behalf of all students in Ontario.